Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Dance of Fall


Falling leaves have always captured my attention. In fact, one of my favorite opening phrase (which given a chance, I would use in every single poem!) has always been 'As the wind blows', which again is closely tied to my fascination with falling leaves. By now, you guys are well aware of my absurdities, so it should come as no surprise to you that I decided to write a poem on falling leaves..I have used simple metaphors to bring out the irony of the "falling" leaves' "rejoice"... You will have to make that connection to truly appreciate this poem :)

[Photo Courtesy: Google Image Search]

The leaves merry around the swiveling air,
Dancing to the tune that he prepares,
Seemingly blissful in their joyful yonder,
They do make me yearn in sinful wonder.

There is a certain rejoice in their fall,
As though all the time in this world is theirs to stall,
And with a grace matched only by their sway,
They dance to the rhythm, while death keeps at bay.

A sudden gush lifts them up to greater heights,
They feel all lighter, much to their delights,
They brush aside wisps of dust off their backs,
And fly higher and higher, mimicking the windy clacks.

But then strikes death with a sudden whip,
The wind beneath them moves on, giving them a slip,
They dance their last dance as they sway their last sway,
And their last few steps, they just wiggle away.

As I watch them gently touch ground,
I can't help but gape and wonder astound,
"If a leaf can enjoy it's brief freedom with such gusto,
Why cant't we enjoy ours, with much the same glow?"

There is a lesson to be learnt by us all,
From the leaves that dance while they fall,
If we could smile our way through worries and stand tall,
Then we would have learnt that dance - "The Dance of Fall".


the stygian sailor on November 23, 2008 at 8:15 AM said...

nice verse. what happened to your fiction blog?

Rahul Nair on November 23, 2008 at 7:56 PM said...

Nice thought...
The leaves not only dance when they fall.. they make the whole surrounding beautiful.. they color the earth orange,red and yellow.

Srivatsa Kondapalli on November 23, 2008 at 8:26 PM said...

Good one...

The leaves dance when they are in the trees as well as when they are falling from them. A lesson for us to be happy - both during happy and sad times... ;)

Bhumika Patel on November 23, 2008 at 10:57 PM said...

Really good one.

You are trying ti bring out the concept of life to death. (A thought provoking concept) :)

Good to see some happy poem/post. :)

Manjunath RG on November 24, 2008 at 11:34 AM said...

Dude liked it....
Especially the following lines..!!!

As I watch them gently touch ground,
I can't help but gape and wonder astound,
"If a leaf can enjoy it's brief freedom with such gusto,
Why cant't we enjoy ours, with much the same glow?"

Chandan Prabhudeva on November 25, 2008 at 9:45 PM said...

@Shrey: thanks:) fiction blog is still there maga... but still unable to decide on how to take it forward :o

Anonymous said...

Nice one looks quite proffessional(forgive me for using a non poetic word;-)).."move with the flow"- is what i got out of this...

p.s;- yeh i has been a long time..will be up and blogging soon..

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