I wake up to the ending note of this song,
The song that my dreams are made of.
In that lives an angel of mine,
Has hummed her way into my heart, she has.
She talks to me of things I want to listen,
And some that she wants to be heard for,
Of things that may not make sense to all,
But all the sense in the world for me they are.
She sings to me in the sweetest of voices,
Her words carry the deepest meaning of all,
And as she pauses to take a breath so precious,
The world freezes in time as if to take a bow.
She holds my hand and leads me on a walk,
Under a moonlit sky where the stars do stalk,
Each step we take reaffirms my faith in love and fate,
She pledges herself to me, Says she's forever mine.
But then I wake up and realize the song has ended,
And I'm sad that the angel has gone.
But then I realize my search also has ended,
And I'm glad I've found my angel, baby, You're the one.